Bull Sale



NRA President 1962


3 year old Black Angus Bull.

Sired by SAV President 6847.

Embryo transfer out of SAV Erica 1049, the $20,000 selection by Davenport Angus of Wagner, South Dakota at the 2017 SAV Production Sale. Erica 1049 is a maternal sister of the $52,500 AI stud SAV Thrive5054 and daughter of the 5th generation Pathfinder donor SAV Erica 9448.

DNA enhanced EPD's score this bull in top 4% for weaning weight and top 5% for yearling weight.


Born 09/17/19.

Birth weight 88lbs.

Vaccinated with Inforce 3 and Calf-Guard at birth.

Weaned at 7 months 0 days of age - 664lbs.

Vaccinated at weaning (04/17/20) with Merck Vista 5 and Alpha-7/MB1, Dectomax wormer.

Adjusted yearling weight - 1055lbs.

Vaccinated with Merck Vista 5 on 12/14/20.

Dectomax wormer on 03/10/21.

Vaccinated with Alpha-7/MB1 on 04/19/21.

Current weight as of 04/19/21 - 1305lbs


SAV Exclaim 9057

Semen available through S A V Exclaim 9057 | SIRE BUYER